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Ural 650 Polizeilich

Old- & Youngtimer

Ural 650 Polizeilich Gespann, Sonderausrüstung, EU Papiere

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Kaufpreis: Є5.300,00

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Ural 650 Polizeilich
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  • Ural 650 Polizeilich
  • Ural 650 Polizeilich
  • Ural 650 Polizeilich
  • Ural 650 Polizeilich
  • Ural 650 Polizeilich

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“Ural IMZ 8.903 is the last Police (Militia/???????) motorcycle model produced by Ural factory IMZ. This particular bike was originally designed as a police bike (this is not converted regular Ural as others i’ve seen on sale). The bike is fully restored, It looks and runs as new and has special police equipment installed. The bike is in Riga, Latvia and has Latvian papers. So it can be registered in any EU country without any fees or difficulties. We also offer delivery to virtually anywhere on Earth.”
Marke: IMZ Leistung: 27
Modell: 8903 Anzahl Gänge: Vierganggetriebe (manuell)
Typ: Gespann/Seitenwagen Startertyp: Kickstarter
Farbe: Gelb und Blau Antriebsart: Kardan
Erstzulassungsdatum: 01.01.1990 EU-Fahrzeug: Ja
Kilometerstand: 3000 Herstellungsland und -region: Russische Föderation
Hubraum: 649


Untitled Document       The bike             hi-res pics and videos are available here: https://goo.gl/photos/mD8vSDRwq3KCZhd7ADetailed description - here ( http://uralala.com/motorcycles/policebike)
        Hi! We offer Original Ural |Police bike for sale. Detailed description in English is below the German Part
Bitte entschuldigen Sie mich für den folgenden deutschen Text über den Online-Übersetzer. Ich spreche kein Deutsch noch so, dass jetzt der einfachste Weg ist zu erklären, was ich verkaufe.
Das ist Ural-650 Original Polizei mit viel Spezialausrüstung. Wir bieten dieses Fahrrad zum Verkauf an. Es hat gültige EU-Papiere und ist bereit, in jedem EU-Land ohne Zollgebühren registriert zu werden.
Wir haben andere sowjetische / russische Fahrräder und Teile zum Verkauf. Bitte besuchen Sie uralala.com, um sie alle zu sehen
Auch wir nehmen Aufträge zu finden, liefern und wiederherstellen alle russischen Sachen für Sie. Fühlen Sie sich frei, uns auf Facebook zu kontaktieren.
Diese besondere Bike wurde im Jahr 1990 gemacht. Im Gegensatz zu einigen anderen Polizei Fahrräder zum Verkauf angeboten, ist es nicht nur regelmäßige Ural-650 neu lackiert gelb und blau. Dies ist ein spezielles Modell - 8.903 (die regulären von jener Zeit wurden 8.103 genannt).
Es kommt mit spezieller Ausrüstung, alles funktioniert perfekt. Dies ist eine mechanische Sirene, Taschenlampen und ein Paar Funkgeräte, die auf der gleichen Frequenz arbeiten. Einer ist auf dem Fahrrad installiert und ein anderer kann drinnen benutzt werden (es hat einen 220V Netzadapter) oder kann in einem anderen Fahrzeug installiert werden.                        
        URAL IMZ 8.903 for sale     Ural IMZ 8.903 is the last Police (Militia/???????) motorcycle model produced by Ural factory IMZ. This particular bike was originally designed as a police bike (this is not converted regular Ural as others i’ve seen on sale). The bike is fully restored, It looks and runs as new and has special police equipment installed. The bike is in Riga, Latvia and has Latvian papers. So it can be registered in any EU country without any fees or difficulties. We also offer delivery to virtually anywhere on Earth.
    We have other Soviet/Russian bikes and parts for sale. You may see them here - uralala.com/motorcycles         
Also we take orders to find, deliver and restore any Russian stuff for you. Feel free to contact us on Facebook. Facebook.com/siabalalaiko/
   Why is it special? IMZ 8.903 Police bike differs from regular Urals in many ways. Let me explain how:
Frame. Some people say frame is made from harder steel, but I haven’t got any proof it is so. What is obvious — frame is modified to carry special lights and has mountings for it. Also unlike regular Ural bikes, IMZ 8.903 has no number on frame, it’s only embossed on a special plate.
                Engine. It’s more powerful that a standard one (+4 hp) and has a different crankcase that holds mechanical siren.
    Gearbox. It has a different with mounts for a mechanical siren. On this particular bike the gearbox also features a reverse gear which is very rare for patrol Urals.        
    Wiring. it’s different because of special equipment - flashlights, radio and extra battery.
    Sidecar. It is designed to have a large battery in the boot, so the boot has ventilation, there are also special mounts for a loudspeaker and a radio.
               Special equipment. Flashlights and mechanical siren were factory installed. Radio and a loudspeaker were optional and installed locally at the Police departments after delivery of the bikes.
    The bike you see on the pictures comes with special equipment, everything working perfectly. This is a mechanical siren, flashlights and a pair of radios that work on the same frequency. One is installed on the bike and another one can be used indoors (it has a 220v power adapter) or can be installed in another vehicle. We also include special mounts for a megaphone.
    And here is the youtube video of how the radios work together             History     Here’s the story of this Particular motorcycle. It was produced in 1990 and sent to one of the local police departments in Lipetsk region. It was a “company vehicle” for a sheriff deputy but he actually never used it — he had has own car and kept the bike to get free fuel from the State. The motorcycle was decommissioned in 2000-s and sold to a farmers family in the same village. The only special equipment lest on the motorcycle was the siren. Flashlights were replaced with fog lights.
  New owners used this bike as utility transport but soon bought a car. So this Ural stood still for more than 10 years. Luckily Lipetsk is a warm and dry region, so it did not rust much. We got this bike in 2016 and that’s what we did to make it look and work like new:  
  Frames (both bike and sidecar) were disassembled and then sandblasted and powder-coated with matt black paint. This coating is much more durable than a conventional “liquid” paint
  Body parts (fenders, sidecar, fuel tank etc) were sandblasted, powder-coated and then overpainted with high quality glossy acrylic paint and acrylic clearcoat.
  Suspension and steering. Front fork and shock absorbers were completely overhauled. We repainted everything that needed painting, replaced oil seals and other parts.
  Electrical equipment.  Had to re-solder switches on the handlebar (lights, signal) and make new wiring for special police equipment (radio, flashlights, another battery)
    Gearbox and the end drive are examined and now have new oil. Gearbox case was a modified by a previous owner because he wanted to convert the motorbike to one-carburetor design and altered air filter mount (it’s mounted on the gearbox). We converted it back to the factory design.
  Fuel system:
    Carburettors were disassembled and cleaned, then adjusted according to the manual. There are new fuel hoses and cleaned fuel peacock.
    Needed just regular maintenance: cleaning and adjustment done
    We examined the engine: Cylinders and pistons were doing great, so we just changed the piston rings and tightened every bolt and nut we had access to. New oil and filter, adjusted valve timing.
    Works well, so left as is
  Sidecar body:
    Completely sandblasted then powder-coated. Then sprayed with glossy acrylic paint and clearcoat
  Trim & Upholstery.
    Some aluminium parts were polished. There’s new brand new upholstery on the sidecar seat. Sidecar is equipped with a brand new cover.
  Wheels and tyres:
  All the wheels were completely disassembled. Rims and hubs/brake drums were sandblasted and powder-coated. Then we assembled it all with new spokes. So the wheels look fantastic.

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