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West Coast Choppers


West Coast Choppers CFL Green and Mean Hardtail

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Kaufpreis: Є13.950,00

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West Coast Choppers
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  • West Coast Choppers
  • West Coast Choppers
  • West Coast Choppers
  • West Coast Choppers

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Gebraucht: Artikel wurde bereits benutzt. Weitere Einzelheiten, z. B. genaue Beschreibung etwaiger Fehler oder Mängel im Angebot des Verkäufers. Modell: West Coast Choppers
Leistung: 113CI Typ: CFL Custom
Startertyp: Elektrostarter Farbe: Black and green
Antriebsart: Kette


This bike is tough as nails, as can be expected from a Jesse James - West Coast Choppers CFL.It was build during the chopper-craze a few years back, and ridden hard ever since. When we bought this bike of the first owner, it was clear it needed a complete rebuild. Even though he had just dropped in a brand new 113 CI polished Ultima engine, overhauled the transmission and had the tank and fender professionally repainted, there were still a few gremlins hunting this bike. So we took it completely apart and did a professional rebuild resulting in a stunning West Coast Chopper, ready to pound the tarmac for years to come. The bike has a fresh UK registration, is located in the Netherlands, and will receive a RDW registration shortly. We can knock a few euros of the price if you want to take care of this yourself, but are in the process of getting it done. All of our bikes come with a legitimate and fully legal RDW registration, so no funny business!Just returned from the BigTwin BikeShow 2016!
For more info or questions, call me at +31641814018, drop me an e-mail at dennis@ellobocycles.com
or visit www.ellobocycles.com
GeneralMaker: West Coast ChoppersType: CFL-1 - Hardtail OldschoolFabricator: West Coast Choppers - El Lobo Rebuild
EngineType: UltimaSize: 113 cubic inchesCarb: S&S ShortyIgnition: Fireball - Single Fire Ignition CoilExhaust: West Coast Choppers - Hell Bent
TransmissionType: Primo Belt - Brute IV - open belt - 6 speed Frame/SuspensionType: West Coast ChoppersRake: 38 with 7 degrees in the triple treesStretch: 4 up, 2 outSwingarm: HardtailForks: Showa +6
Wheels,Tires and BrakesWheels: RC Components Regal: front 21” , rear 16”Tires: VEE rubber 90/21 (front) and Vee rubber 200/60 (rear)Brakes: Performance Machines
FinishPowder Coat: CTC Powder Coat - Maldon UKPaint: Gary DonelsonColor(s): Black, Green TribalGraphics: Gary Donelson
AccessoriesBars: K&N Speed BarsHand Controls: El Lobo CyclesHeadlights: Head WindsIndicators: MotoGadgetTaillight: J&PElectrical: HI-4 Crane CamsFuel Tank: Jesse James - VillainOil Tank: Jesse James - West Coast ChoppersRear Fender: Jesse James - ModifiedPegs: Performance MachinesFoot Controls: Performance MachinesSeat: Seat Pan West Coast Choppers - Leather by Roberti Customs

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